STORE Capital hosted its second annual Virtual Externship, a professional development event for students interested infinance and real estatecareers.
STORE Capital and its employees supported the Urban Land Institutes’ efforts to promote the integration of arts and culture in community revitalization in metro Phoenix, AZ. The organization typically selects one neighborhood each year and revitalizes it through arts and culture, with the help volunteers and community members. Nearly 90 percent of STORE employees donated a total of $21,745 and the company matching donation of $15,000 resulted in a total donation of $36,745.
The two-day event provided students and young professionals with insight on STORE’s business model and how it provides financial solutions to an expansive middle market. Attendees participated in a variety of sessions ranging from presentations onSTORE’sdifferentiated approach to acquisitions and portfolio management, discussions on leadership development, and panels offering educational and career advancement advice.
STORE Capital’s Virtual Externship is an extension of the company’sInternship Program, which is open to all college students and recent graduates across all majors and backgrounds.Open to current college students and recent graduates and others interested in finance and real estate careers, the sessions particularly emphasized the company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives by encouraging the participation of students from underrepresented backgrounds.
The Virtual Externship’s success is set to foster similar virtual events in the future. Details will be posted on the company’s website and social media.
Over 130 participants from 49 colleges in 26 states participated in the event, in addition to more than 30 STORE Capital employees who participated as moderators, presenters, and panelists. The program was conceived, developed, and presented by STORE Capital employees from several of the company’s departments and areas of expertise, many of whom had positive college internship experiences in their initial professional development.
Motivated applicants who are interested in learning about STORE and who possess strong writing and critical thinking skills are encouraged to apply for STORE Capital’s Internship Program. Company offices are based in Scottsdale, AZ and our employees come from all over and have very diverse academic backgrounds. If you have an interest in applying to STORE Capital for an internship, email your resume and cover letter to jobs@storecapital.com.