STORE University Classes Resume with Corporate Real Estate Financing Lesson
STORE University, a series of video courses for business owners on the fundamentals of business wealth creation hosted by Chris Volk, CEO of STORE Capital is back with Lesson 7: What is the Best Way to Finance Corporate Real Estate?
Mr. Volk calls upon his 30 years of experience in real estate finance to guide you through the most effective methods to finance commercial real estate. Have yet to watch STORE University? Click back to Lessons 1 – 6 to discover how to value your business, calculate your return on equity to get rich, learn how to pick what businesses to invest in, and become familiar with the V Formula, created by Chris Volk, CEO of STORE Capital, among other topics to enhance your business.
In Lesson 7, Mr. Volk dives into the basics of financing corporate real estate, evaluating financing options, business valuation, and evaluating your financing after implementation.
STORE University invites business owners interested in learning tactics to maximize opportunities and create wealth to join students nationwide in heading back to class this fall. STORE University’s online courses are designed to help business owners, executives and entrepreneurs evaluate and get the most out of their enterprises. Through short three-minute videos on topics like ‘How to Value a Business’ and ‘How to Calculate Return on Equity and Get Really Rich,’ STORE University offers a toolbox of core business concepts and strategies that can benefit ventures of any size and stage of business development.
To enroll in STORE University and receive notifications, please visit www.storecapital.com/storeuniversity.